Larry Gibson, Jr.

Larry Gibson, Jr. - Chairman

West Region

Mr. Gibson resides in Aliceville, Alabama, and is president and owner of Gibson Forest Management, Inc., a forestry consulting firm established in 1994, and Gibson Timberlands, LLC, a land and timber company. He manages approximately 60,000 acres of timberland for clients in West Alabama and East Mississippi, where he provides complete forest management services, and he owns approximately 2,000 acres of timberland, where timber and wildlife are the primary commodities. Mr. Gibson is a member of the Alabama Forestry Association, the Society of American Foresters (past state chair), the Association of Consulting Foresters (past state chair), and Alabama Farmers Federation of Pickens County, having served on the boards of each organization. He currently serves as a member of the Pickens County Industrial Board (industrial development). Mr. Gibson earned a bachelor’s degree in Forest Management from Mississippi State University. He is a trustee at Hebron United Methodist Church.

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